Randy's Training

Finally, the show is over. And the circus troupe need to gather supplies before moving to the next city.

During our show, we have more people coming as expected. They are mostly people who have their beloved people returned already after being enslaved and seek entertainment. Some still doesn't have their beloved people returned since they were bought by people from outside the city. And it was difficult to find them and return them back to their family. But the show still went on with full attendance.

Many people complained and said that Randy needs to be publicly executed. But we can't do that. We need him to escape from prison.

There will be more complains if Randy escapes from prison. But I'll just leave it to Albert and Randy on how they want things to go.

While the others are getting supplies for our next destination, which should be a few weeks away, I returned back to my mansion in the capital to see how Randy is doing.