The Vampires Raiding the Base

"Oh, they're here. The vampires have arrived at the gate," I said.

"I can't see anything though. Can you use portal into my room in Cassau? I left my binocular there. And I think it's best if you keep it at all time so you can get other people who are with you so they can see from afar," Victoria said.

It's her room, so it's natural that Victoria left Blobbies there. I opened a portal directly there and Victoria grabbed the binocular and returns back to me.

The binocular is already exist in this world. But with Victoria's idea and Marie's ability, they make this one to be much better than any other binocular in this world. With clearer vision and longer distance.

And after creating just one, Albert noticed how dangerous it is if anyone can spy you from far away. So after creating just a few, the production was stopped. Only the kings, Victoria, my friends, and some other have these high-tech binocular.