Taking Them to Meet Albert

The five girls and I entered carriage to the capital of Varadis. They look so nervous. Even though they have escaped from the danger of the monsters, their lives are still in danger. With the explosive devices in their mouth. 

Though they won't explode when they don't want it to. It's simple. After all, those explosive devices are for those who are loyal to the cult. And I don't think these women are loyal to the cult. So they won't activate them.

After fifteen minutes of the journey, we are already quite far from the city. And while inside the carriage, I talked to the driver.

"Hey! You know who I am?" I asked the driver.

"Yeah. I know you. You are quite an influential man. I've met you before. Though I don't think you know me. In fact, if the rumor is right, I don't think you remember anyone at all other than those close to you," the driver replied.