Getting Someone's Attention

That group of girls retreated back to the base just two hours after leaving. It's because the master level mage noticed that someone is looking at her from far away and her earth magic couldn't help her to detect the presence of the one who was watching them. Me. It was me who was looking at her.

I did it on purpose to make them retreat since I want her to quickly contact someone else if my thought is right. Because I don't think that she's doing everything she did to help the girls. She must have another ulterior motives. And if I'm right, she must have someone else to help her.

I don't want to wait for too long until she returns. That's why I did it.

Well, I did it mainly to prank her though. But it's good that it worked. 

And while they are retreating, I also retreated while slowly looking away from her. That will make her feel that whoever watching her is running away as well.