How Amazing a Phone is

It's great. Apparently, Marie had created a whole lots of them. And they will be given to some high-ranking agents and me, who will give them to whoever I find trustworthy. Maybe the monsters.

Marie just said that the production is limited so that the others won't ask for more. So other than one phone for the king, they will be given one or two more so they can give them to their trusted attendants whom they brought here. Their bodyguards.

It might be the wrong decision though. After all, their bodyguard should be with their king almost all the time. So they don't really need a phone.

But it might be a good idea as well. Since if their king is in trouble, and they can't call for help, their bodyguard will be the one contacting the us for help. Though contacting Sonia is easier since she can just teleport to their location, and check on the situation herself instead of being told what to do.