They are Strength-Seekers

"So, what is this fruit?"

After they decided to surrender, we no longer fight. They know that they are no match against me. Even if they can use magic, it's too late since they are too close to me. I can stop them before they cast any magic.

So I asked them about the fruit that I stole from one of them. Because after seeing this small red fruit the size of a grape, they are able to use magic in this place where magic should be blocked.

Should I call it Magic-y Fruit? Or is it Grape-y Fruit?

"We just call it fruit. We don't know the name. But after eating one, we can use magic for a few minutes. The more we eat them, the longer we can use magic. But they are so rare that we don't have much of them anymore," the one acting as the leader said.

Now that I'm looking at them with my Divine Vision, other than a well-trained body, in the pocket of their clothes, they only have one or two more fruits.