A Weretiger Knocked Him Out

I need to make a decision here. Should I bring this agent out of this magicless area from the closest location to where we can start using magic, or we should go to the opposite side of it?

If we go to the closest place here, there's a chance that we might get found out by someone. Or maybe something. I don't know yet about who this agent was fighting before. 

Seeing from his injuries, most of them were from blunt object and few scratches from sharp object. My guess is the opponent was a monster. But if there's a mage who wanted to test his or her own strength on the agent by hitting him and slashing a weapon at him, then it's a human. But it could also be a monster.

Monsters would be easier to handle. We can just kill them. Even if they are contracted monsters to a tamer and the tamer will notice that their monsters were killed, we can just disguise ourselves as a monster.