Luring the Weretiger Out of the Magicless Area

"Did he find us already?" Shelia asked.

I used Divine Vision to see behind us and see the previous man was following us slowly. He's not chasing us quickly. Just using the same speed as us to make us think that no one is following us.

"He can see us and is now following us. Just like you, his human transformation seem to be really good. If he didn't notice us with his sense of smell, I would never thought that he's a monster," I said.

Back when he noticed us, it was because he was downwind. Our scents were being carried by the wind to his location. So he knows.

I'm sure it was because of the smell and not because he saw us or because he heard us. We're making sure that we're in a hidden spot and not making any sound at all. So it must be the smell.

And there's no human who can smell another creature from far away. Unless they are Aura user who learned Aura ability that let their sense of smell get stronger. Or maybe a beastform mage.