Fire Dragon King

Three islands. Three cities and many villages. I'll check on one of the island without the castle first.

It's an island I saw from the sky before. An island filled with more monsters than the people. They are most likely tamers and the monsters are contracted monsters.

I think each island will have several summoners. So maybe some of them are summoners.

On other islands, there are monsters as well. But not as many as the monsters here. Some of them were even dragons. And they were so close to detect me. Either because they can sense my mana or because their enhanced senses. I don't know.

Though I don't think that any of those dragons are stronger than Spot. So if there's a fight, I think we will still be fine.

I also have become much stronger than a regular dragon. Though if it's a dragon the size of Andro, I don't think I can kill it. But it's fine since there's no creature that size that I can see.