Huge Monster Near the Castle Island

Today, I'm going to investigate the last island. The island with a castle where the bird's master is located.

But before I go, Albert and the other kings contacted me and told me to have a meeting all of a sudden.

"So, how was it?" Albert asked.

"Among the three islands, I haven't fully investigated the island with the castle. One of the two that I have investigated has more monsters than humans. And a lot of them were the result of cloning technology that the cult created. Apparently, even if we captured the Professor, the one who might be the smartest in the cult, there are other smart people there. And Albert, have you asked the Professor if he has other inventions and technologies that could be disadvantageous for us?" I asked Albert.

"Even if I ask, it doesn't seem like he will answer anything. But I will try to get what we needed from him," Albert said.