The Summoner Versus the Centaur

In the plain field near the Monsters Village, a battle between a summoner and a centaur is taking place.

The two are prepared to fight. The centaur with a mace in his hand and fully covered in armor, including on the horse part of his body, and the summoner covered in armor equipped with a shield and a lance.

The two get some distance between each other. The distance that is wide enough for both sides to reach their full speed right in the middle. They are thinking of finishing each other in one attack even before the match started. And everyone here knows that.

By the way, Albert also has decided a horse for him to ride. His personal horse. He's going to watch the match while riding that horse next to me who is sitting on Ray's back.

The horse he picked is a silver horse with long hair and tail.

"Don't I look very kingly when I'm riding on this one?"