A Date or Walking the Dog

"So you're going on a hunt with Shelia now?" Kayla asked.

It has been a day since we returned from building a prison in Monsters World. And today is the day that I'm taking Shelia on a date. A hunting date.

So it's just the two of us fighting monsters left and right to an unexplored place in Monsters World.

Well, I can't really go on a normal date with her anywhere on Earth. The thing she enjoy is obvious. And it's different from other girls. 

Even Angela prefer to be treated like a normal girl during a date even when she's our strongest mage. She likes to go to a fancy restaurant and go shopping.

But Shelia, even if she enjoys them, she prefer to fight. And so, our date will be to explore Monsters World.

"It's not a hunt. It's a date. And we will explore the Monsters World for a date," I said.

"You're a human. And she's a werewolf. Doesn't it feel like you're just walking a dog?" Victoria asked.