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"Leaving again?" Kayla asked.

"Yeah. I hope can get my last familiar as soon as possible. After that, I will try to get along with it well from then on. So that when we face the cult again in the future, it will cooperate with me willingly," I replied.

It's the day after Baby Andro was born. The newborn Kaiser Dragon was so hungry all the time that if he wasn't given enough food, he would eat everything. Though I heard that last night, Baby Andro finally stopped eating and sleeping well.

From what Andro said, it will goes on for a few more days. Then the Baby Kaiser Dragon won't have to eat as much as before.

Just a baby and that thing eat everything. Even I had some problem making him let go of my arm yesterday. If I use too much force, I might end up killing him. And if I don't use force, that Baby Andro will continue hanging on my arm with just his bite.