I'll Just Watch Them Fight

"Oh, it's the famous women-only party, Gladius! So glad that we could coincidentally meet up like this in this place!"

As we get closer to where those people are, one of them greeted us. Well, not us. Just the girls. I'm not included it seems.

"Are you famous though? I have never heard of you after you split up back then," I asked the girls.

"We left Cassau and set up our base in another city. Though we can't be compared to your clan, Wolf's Crown. Just saying that you are a member of Wolf's Crown and everyone will greet you with respect," Jessica said.

Are we famous? I even forget that my clan's name was Wolf's Crown.

Back then, I agreed with that name because I am the Werewolf King. But now, I'm also the king of other monsters. So maybe the name Wolf's Crown is no longer suitable.

But to think that we're famous with such stupid weird name. I guess I should pay attention more to my clan.

"Jewel, are we famous?" I asked Jewel.