Roy's Ordinary Life

The illusion continued with how diligent Roy was in studying medicine. From reading all the books about medicine in the medical school, to asking doctors about how to operate a certain type of disease. Of course at that time, many diseases were still had no cure yet. They had not been discovered yet.

"...If we saw everything like this, we might end up becoming doctors as well," Victoria said.

"I wonder how he could easily remember all of that? He could remember the names of all those diseases and medicines. But he couldn't even remember people's names easily," Shirley asked.

"We've seen how he studied. While the others only need to read once or twice, he needed to read them five times or more to remember everything. Even after learning all that, he barely passed the exam. He's just an ordinary guy among any ordinary guys. Maybe he's even below average since he needed so much effort just to keep up with other ordinary guys," Victoria said.