It Blocks Aura?

Now then, Cooldra joined the battle. Although I don't need a ride during battle, having it is fine as well even if the ride is slower than my usual ride, Ray.

Because Cooldra is strong. Not as strong as Spot, but he's still strong enough to stand against a few master level mages. So while he's fighting, I can observe the battle from his back.

Though because I told him to fight with his body, he moves around a lot. But that's not a problem with me.

There's only one problem I have right now. The lack of mana.

I have used magic many times today. From using air magic that makes the cult members fight against each others, to opening a lot of huge portals for the dragons to push the floating island to.

Spending that much mana could be disadvantageous in a battle even if we have a huge amount of mana potions in our possession. It's because if we drank too much mana potions, the more we drank in a day, the less effective it will be.