They Already Spread the News

"You have grown stronger, Oleg. The one you defeated should already be a master level mage," I complimented Oleg who defeated the thugs along with the Attention-seeker.

They're all still alive, but they're already unable to fight anymore.

But some of them were master level mages. From what I checked before when I was walking around the city before, there were no master level mages at all.

Maybe there were some, but they were just too good at acting like they're not master level mages. So I never realized that even in what seemed like a peaceful city, there were still members of the cult roaming about.

"Did you just complimented me even though I just defeated one mage? You defeated the rest of them. I feel ashamed to accept that as a praise. I'll take that as an insult," Oleg said.