The Ultimate Game of Tag Part 4

There's one race in this game who are being forgotten by me. The vampires.

After the battle, they have been staying here and getting along with other monsters. But maybe because they rarely stay in this village, I forgot about their existence in this game.

If I was the one who brought them here today, then I wouldn't forgot about them. But I didn't. I brought them here a few days ago.

And that's why when there were two vampires trying to face me when I had just decided to be active in this game, I let down my guard and was really close to being eliminated.

Maybe I shouldn't be active in the game too soon when there were still many monsters playing.

The vampires were harder to deal with. Because they already have excellent physical abilities even when they didn't use blood to power up. In fact, I was the one who told them to keep their body fit at all time so they don't have to use much blood when there's a real battle.