Emergency Meeting at the Guild

The day before the emergency mission.

I was like usual resting in Robby's house. And because I'm in the middle of recovering, they didn't give me permission to buy some boozes.

Even the guy who healed me took al my money and said that other than for food, he will not give me my money back until I recovered. In a way, it's their way of worrying about Robby.

He will return the money, subtracted by the fee of him healing me, before the emergency mission.

Since I was told not to get drunk, there's nothing for me to do. So I walk around the city normally under the watch of the master level earth mage.

Yesterday, the day when I just returned home with bruises and burnt mark on my body, the two spies also returned to the city. It was after that master level earth mage leaving the place for a while.