They Were Being Threatened as Expected

"Just speak. The reason why we lured you into the bathroom is to make you remove everything so whatever device the cult created so they can listen to this conversation won't be here. And with his magic, there's no sound can come out of this bathroom," Albert said.

That didn't work. Even after asking them politely, they're still afraid of telling us what happened. Maybe it's because they were not being forced. But they wanted to betray us. Though I don't think that's the case seeing how afraid they were.

"Just speak! Or I will make my familiar move away from your body so we will have naked conversation here!" I said.

If asking politely didn't work, then it's a threat.

"That's just what you want! And Victoria, don't do what he said! Or Marie will kill me!" Albert said.

"Did you hear what he said? Just by being naked and he will die. So if you are forced to kill him, you can do just that. Easy, right?" I said.