Resting at Rygis

First was an underground base. Next was a floating island. I can only expect that their other bases will be in a similarly hidden location.

It's good that I have Divine Vision. But it's unfortunate that I can't depend on it too much right now or I will be too tired.

And good news! Shelia and the others have defeated all the enemies who camped near the Kingdom I fought in before. Not only them. But we were right that there were stronger reinforcement coming. There might be more.

This means that there really was other base other than the one I destroyed underground. Or should I say the one that Kayla destroyed instead?

And there might be more. Though I don't think there will be too many of them. Unless they have the resources needed to make those devices. And they mass-produced them already.

I checked the map. And I could tell that most of the attacks that happened were not too far from each other.