I'm Thinking

Another day passes by. But it seems like the time when we were relieving ourselves in battle was so far away. Even though it was just yesterday.

But again, facing Pawzer, we are unable to do anything other than protecting ourselves.

"I know that you can still grow stronger. So come on! You can't just protect yourself all the time! I'm sure you're aware of it," Pawzer said after my tenth time being knocked out by him for the day.

He is right. I know that I have grown stronger. But it's not enough. I need to be much stronger than I am now.

But how?

All this time, I have always depending on my Aura, my familiars, and a bit of air magic. But facing someone considerably stronger than me, they are not enough.

What do I need to be able to fight Pawzer on an even ground? Just speed alone won't be enough. 

I seriously in need of a teacher. Someone who can teach me Aura.