Roy Versus Pawzer

"Against you, I have to go all out right away," Pawzer said.

"…If Shelia is still awake, she would get angry to hear you say that. She will say that you're still underestimating her," I said.

"That's why she's unconscious. But still, as expected of the strongest monster here. She's really strong. I lacked fighting experience. But for speed, I won't lose. I will stay as the fastest creature in the world," Pawzer said proudly.

"Though if I use portal, I can reach destination faster than you," I said.

"But you won't use it in our fight, right? I only know you for a month but I know enough that you won't do it," he said.

He is right. I won't use portal in this fight.

I know that I will win. Because all the time I lost, I held my power back. And now, even if I still holding back, I'm sure I can win.