Killing the Two Warriors

A mage with space element is very rare. In fact, this is the first time I met one. I guess this is how serious the cult is trying to kill me.

He might even be the only space mage in the cult. But for them to send him here, I hope it means that they are desperate.

The three of them are together facing me alone. Even though that space mage told the others to kill me, they still move carefully.

From the look of it, those two are pretty skilled with their martial arts. One with a sword and another with a spear. They might not be Aura users but their martial arts might be just stronger than anyone else I have faced.

I don't think they will be stronger or faster than even the monsters in the village. But it might be dangerous depending on how skilled they are.

As they approached me carefully, I sheathed my sword into the cane. Then I made a small opening on my armor to grab something from my pocket.