Beam Attack

'Master, I'm done here.'

'I'm also on my way!'

That's what my familiars told me via telepathy. Graham was done with what he needed to do in the other mountain, and Shelia is already on her way to help me fight.

So I summoned Graham and Shelia at the same time. Because at this time, there are several flying monsters approaching us in high speed.

They all must be the enemy's tamed monsters. They can fly and have engines like the previous wyvern.

As for the previous wyvern, after falling in circle, the mage jumped off of its back and fly on his own. And the wyvern couldn't control its body. So it fell after I destroyed one of its engines.

The mage then called more of his tamed monsters. And I also got some news from Graham and Shelia. So we're both calling our reinforcement.

"Is that him? He looks pretty strong," Shelia said.

"Graham, heal Shelia. Her wound hasn't healed completely," I said to Graham.