Wedding Plan

When I asked Fabio again, he said that he was sure to invite everyone, Fabio started hesitating.

"It's best if we discuss it with the other kings first. Do we want them to come to Arturo and make their visitation official? To be known by everyone that they all come here for Fabio's wedding? Or do we need to keep it as secret from the cult and just let Roy gather them here secretly. We need to have everyone's opinion about this," Toni said.

"Isn't it just a wedding? Fabio can do it however he wants," Harold said.

"Fortunately, he's not you. So he can't. I'm glad that he took after his mother instead of his father," I said.

If it's Harold, he has a lot of wives and mistresses. I wonder how many weddings he had. Must be a lot.

Carmen is looking at Harold with anger after he said that. Though after everything that has happened, she still loves him. That is what makes her an amazing woman.