Fake Wolf's Crown

"Just trying to spend your time, but you ended up gaining another disciple. What do you think, Roy" Victoria asked.

"I'm more curious why you suddenly decided to stay with me instead of going back to Cassau," I said.

"It's interesting that we get another new friend," she said.

That's what she thinks? It's right though.

The future Queen of Arturo is already started to open up with the girls yesterday. And in a few days, I'll be training her. It's best if Victoria is here with me then. So it's fine that she didn't return home.

"What will you do now?" she asked.

"Well, I'll take a few quests in my free time. If I can somehow find more about the cult, that would be great. But I doubt that it will happen so easily. I'll just take normal quests until it's time to train…" I stopped talking because I forgot her name already.

"Maya. Her name is Maya," Victoria said.