The Monster I Want for Her

"Are you crazy?! Monsters World? She almost died!"

Right. I shouldn't have undone my magic. He's loud. Though Jewel is louder.

"It's not dangerous. There are three master level mages here. He's her fiancé, I'm her master, and she's also my disciple just like her, her senior sister. In fact, she's much safer than most people. If you're done complaining, leave. I didn't ask you to be here," I said.

"But it is still dangerous for Maya! I won't let you bring her to a place like that!"

"Brother, enough!"

Finally, the girl in question, Maya, can't take it anymore. She's angry at her brother.

"I never ask you to be so overprotective of me! I want to get stronger! This is my decision!" Maya shouted.

"But… I can't trust this guy!"

"Not my problem. Your king though, he trusts me so much. If I told him to do something for me, he will do it even if he has to use you. So your trust is not important here," I said.

"This fucker!"