Attack on the Capital of Tatrama

The day after, it's the time for the casual party with just us from the alliance. Everyone is here. Including Sophie, Lina, and even Penny. The clan is taking a break today.

It's more festive than before. And as a sign of friendship, we even invited the Marquis that got his ass beaten by Fabio yesterday.

The Marquis and the Duke who is Maya's father are both confused and can't say anything in this party. It's something they have never experienced before. Surrounded by many people who are just commoners acting however they want.

We have a lot of soldiers and agents attending this party. So they will still act politely in front of other Kings. So the ones who caused so much trouble are us from Cassau who is enjoying it however we like.

I also invited Arin and the vampires. After the fight to protect Angela before, I returned them to Earth. And they were nearby. So I asked them if they want to come.