I Won't Hide My Identity Anymore

"How is it?"

I asked Lina in our house in Cassau if she sees anything else outside of the city.

"Thanks to Elsie's ability, they can't detect that we're looking at them. They are still there approaching us. A lot of them are armored," Lina said. She can see far because Elsie is sharing her sight to her master.

"They seem to be sure that the Aura user is in this city. Or maybe they already guessed that it's me," I said.

"What will you do, Roy?"

Kayla asked me. We just finished a battle before and we're going to another one. But for us, it's not something problematic. We all have enough stamina to fight again.

"Lina, what are the enemies?" I asked.

"They're all adults. No kids," she said.

So it means that we can go all out without caring about their lives. We can kill them.

"Should I go alone?" Angela asked.

She's confident that she can defeat them all easily. And I'm sure she's right.