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So, there are people in Cassau who want to join the fight against the cult. They seem to be Hunters. Well, they all have Hunter Cards. I can see that.

These people saw me or Victoria in the past when we were fighting the cult. Well, it's probably neither of us. They only recognize us from my horse, Ray.

And now that they know someone is riding Ray in this city, they want to ask me if they can join the war.

"What? You want me to make you stronger?" I asked.

"Yes!" one of them shouted.

Seems like they are in a party together. There are about seven of them. Are they from the same party? Seven seems to be a lot of people.

"Why don't you just go to the university? You can learn to get stronger there," I said.

"That is that. It's just a university. They are there only to make themselves feel good and it doesn't help you get stronger at all," he said.