Georgia's Memory

It's annoying. I have to be a hunter here for at least three more days. It's good that there are missions for me to handle. But the waiting line will be annoying.

Then it's decided. I will finish the quests as soon as possible before the busy hour arrives. Then it would be fine.

Just as I thought of that, Fabio is calling me. So I picked up the call.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Well, it has been a few days after the wedding. And everything has calmed down a bit. Other than on your side where everyone is trying to curry favor with you. Anyway, I'm telling you that Maya is ready to go to Monsters World to ask Georgia more about her past. We already knew where she was taken. And we got rid of it. But maybe she still has some other secret to tell. Even if she doesn't have anything else to say, it's still a good idea to trigger her memory by revealing her wings," Fabio said.