Daniel's Growth

"Is everyone ready? Then, let's go to the other continent," Fabio said.

Since he's a King, he's the one in charge of leading us. Though I'm also a King, my leadership skill is lacking compared to him. So he's in charge.

Also, the other continent is closer if we move to the east. That's why we will leave from Arturo. And that's why Fabio is leading.

…Even though we're moving, it's not like we can't return back whenever we want. We have portals after all.

From the east coast of Arturo, we move east. With Carmen and the other master level mages controlling the submarines, we should be able to get there within two weeks. At least that's the estimation.

We have ten submarines. Each with at least one air mage inside and a water mage who controls the submarine. And the submarines don't look like a moving island. They're all submarines made of metal and only few places have windows that we can use to see outside.