Episode 2: Getting to safety

"The USA Government said that every citizen should stay indoors. It is becoming extremely dangerous out there, and each one of you should stay safe. If you are on the roads right now, you should get shelter or if your house is near, go there right now, and soon. This is a serious position the United States of America is in at the moment. Stay Safe and God Bless You!" says the voice on the radio.


"Looks like it's getting pretty dangerous out there!" says Peter Nicolas, a friend of Mark that is driving the car. "Yeah, we should be careful out here, I promised Alexa that I will be safe." Says Mark. "Yeah don't worry, I will keep my eyes peeled." Says Peter. "How far are we now?" asks Mark. "We almost there, you will be home in about an hour," says Peter as he looks at the road sign that says 21HRS Washington DC, 1HR Los Angeles.


It is 10 minutes later, and suddenly Peter and Mark were shock. "SHIT!" says Peter. "Why the fuck, will they block the road? They know there's still people trying to get home!" says Mark. "This looks like the military job! Not the government," says Peter. "So, the military doesn't want people to get to safety?" asks Mark. "I don't,ok, maybe they just didn't think that people will come from this side of California." Says Peter. "Be realistic Peter. They sure do know what the government said yesterday. They should look all around the USA for more survivors!" says Mark. "Ok, let's see if there's another way around." says Peter and reverses the car. Peter drives to the other side of the road when he saw an opening where they can fit through. When they were on the other side, they suddenly saw a few zombies heading their way. "Ah shit!" says Peter. "Just drive man! They are not supposed to get into cars." Says Mark. Peter listens to Mark and just drives through the zombies. Suddenly there where to many zombies and blocks the car. "Goddammit!" says Peter and hits the handling wheel. "What now?" asks Mark. "Fuck man, I don't know!" says Peter. Suddenly there was gunshots. "Shit, get down." Says Peter. Mark and Peter are hiding their faces so that they do not get shot. Suddenly Mark saw a guy standing on top of a flipped over truck, shooting at the zombies. The guy is not the only person on there, there is a woman and another guy there as well. "Go, go!" yells the man with the rifle. Suddenly Peter starts the car and tries to go through the zombies, while the guy on the truck shoot them. Suddenly the guy shoots Peter's car, tire. The car slips on the road, but luckily Peter stops the car in time. The guy on the truck shoots the last two zombies, and then Peter and Mark climbs out. "Dude, what the fuck?" yells Peter while he slams his car door. "You're welcome," says the guy on the truck. "Yeah thanks man, you saved our asses." Says Mark. "I'm glad I could have helped." Says the man. "Goddammit, we got a flat tire." Says Peter. "Peter just please calm down, and at least say thank you for this guy who saved us." Says Mark. "Yeah, sorry." Says Peter as he stands up and walks towards Mark. "Thanks man." Says Peter. "No problem," says the man. "Oh, where is my manners? I'm Connor Smith, this is my wife Mary Smith and my brother Ethan Smith. Nice to meet you." Says the man on the truck. "Nice to meet you. I'm Mark Graham and this is my friend Peter Nicolas."  Introduces Mark themselves. "If you guys need some food or water, or even a new tire, we can help you." Says Connor. "Thanks Connor." Says Mark. "Yeah I think we are going to need a tire," says Peter. "Come with me, here is plenty of cars." Says Ethan. So, Peter and Ethan went to search for a tire that will fit his car, and Mark went to talk to Connor, while Mary was pouring them a glass of water. "Well you're a pretty good shot." Says Mark, while Mary is handing them water. "Yeah, I hunt a lot, so that's where I got talent for shooting." Says Connor. "Is that your job as well? Hunting?" asks Mark. "No, no, I am actually a manager at a slaughterhouse, so yeah that's also why I hunt a lot." Says Conner. "Oh cool, and what about your wife and brother?" asks Mark. "My wife is a Musical Teacher, and my brother is an engineer." Says Connor. "That's cool" says Mark. "What about you?" asks Connor. "Me and Peter are bot architects. My wife is a doctor and my two children are in school." Says Mark. "Where is your family? If you don't mind me asking?" asks Connor. "No, they are fine, I hope. We are on our way from Virginia, we went to show them how to build the house we created, and now we are on our way back to my house." Says Mark. "Oh ok, if we can get your friend a new tire, then you will be back on the in no time." Says Connor exciting. "What are you guys doing here?" asks Mark. "We lost our neighbourhood. It's full of those motherfucking things. Everywhere you see, you just…see eaten people…we came here to have a shelter for now, that why we are up here on the truck. They can't get us. We made a tent and spend the night here. We have     supplies that we took from our home, but yeah..." says Connor. "Well if we get a new tire, you guys should come with us, we got enough room in the car and at my house." Says Mark. "Really?" asks Connor. "Yeah of course." Says Mark. "God Bless you!" says Mary. "You're welcome. You saved us, now we are here to safe you." Says Mark.




"Watch out here's another one." says Ethan as he stabs a zombie that is trapped under a car, with his knife. "Why are you guys keep stabbing and shooting them, in the head? Is that the only way they die?" asks Peter. "We don't know for sure, but so far that's the only way that worked so far." Says Ethan. "So, uh… how sure are you that one of these cars will have the same tire as me?" asks Peter. "I saw another Ford Fiesta around here, so that's how I know that it will fit." Says Ethan. "Oh ok, that's what I call luck." Says Peter. "No kidding." Says Ethan. Peter and Ethan are walking further down the high way looking for a Ford Fiesta. There are many cars that is on the road. Many people inside is either dead, or outside as a zombie. "You know I think if we get this tire, we should get some gas if there is a gasoline can." Says Peter. "Yeah, that's actually a good idea. I don't even know if the gas station is open or not."" Says Ethan. Suddenly they see a piece of gasoline can appearing from the front of a Ford Ranger. "Well, I'll be goddamn." Says Ethan as he picks up a gasoline can.  S after he picked up the gasoline can they kept on walking searching for a Ford Fiesta.


"Do you know anything about the military, and why they blocked the road?" asks Peter. "No, but all I know is that they shouldn't have blocked it." Says Ethan. "Yeah I was confused when I saw it." Says Peter. "I don't trust them like at all. I heard a few of them talking yesterday, and I think I heard something about they're the only ones who wants to be left, and that kind of shit." Says Ethan. "What really?" asks Peter. "Yeah, and of all Connor's complaining, I think he think he doesn't trust them too." Says Ethan. Finally, they have founded the Ford Fiesta. "Ok you the gas, I will get the tire." Says Ethan and hands Peter the gasoline can.


"Ok I think that's it. Let's head back." Says Ethan. Suddenly they hear gnarls coming towards them. "Shit!" says Ethan. Suddenly they saw 13 zombies heading towards them. "Let's go." Says Peter.


"We gotta go, grab you gear and supplies and let's go!" says Peter while he puts away the gasoline. "Connor looks at the side where the zombies are coming from and says: "Let's go. Hurry up!". "Go, I can do this." Says Peter for Ethan, so that he can go and help with the supplies. Mark is helping them to put supplies like food and water in the boot, and Peter is now putting the new wheel on. A few minutes later, the wheel was on and the supplies where in the car, and Connor, Ethan and Mary were climbing in the back of the car. "Holy shit. We have to go now!" says Mark, while he sees zombies coming on both sides. Quickly Mark and Peter get in the car, starts the car and went off.




There are soldiers patrolling the gates, people are watering their plants, children are playing, and Alexa and Susan are talking. "I'm glad the children can play again like it's back to normal." Says Susan. "Yeah, especially with Jason, because Sarah doesn't worry too much, and Nicole can play inside" says Alexa and takes a sip of her coffee. "I hope Mark is alright, shouldn't he be back by now?" asks Susan. "Yeah, but we should just hope for the best." Says Alexa.


"Hey we got company." Says Soldier Luke Meyer to the other soldier that is also on guard, Soldier Nick Zwelgoes. "I see him" says Nick while he points his rifle at the Ford Fiesta. "I think that's far enough!" says Nick. Peter stops the car and opens his window. "Hi, ugm…I'm just here to drop of my friend Mark Graham. He lives here." Says Peter. "The hell he does." Says Nick. "Are you guys infected?" asks Luke. "Infected?" asks Connor. "Damn your guys are as dump as pussies! Were you guys bitten?" says Nick angry. "No! We were not bitten" says Peter. "Get out, get the fuck out of the car!" warns Nick and throws Peter out of the car. Luke throws Mark out of the car and then the other three. "Hey, take it easy!" says Mark. "Don't fucking tell me to take it easy!" says Luke. "We are not infected! PLEASE just let us in!" says Mark. "I'm sorry sir, we can't let you in!" says Luke. "What why not? That's my wife standing right there." Says Mark while he points at Alexa.


"Mark?" asks Alexa and goes to the gate. "Ma'am stay back!" says Nick. "No, he's my husband. Let him in!" says Alexa. "I'm sorry we can't do that." Says Luke. "Why not?" asks Alexa. "Daaaaaddddd!" screams Jason and runs towards the gate. Sarah also went to the gate. "Kid stay back!" says Nick. "I want to see my dad," says Jason. "I said…stay back!" says Nick while kicks Jason back. "Hey!" yells Mark and punch Nick in the face. "All of calm down!" screams Luke when suddenly Nick punches Mark back. "MARKK!!!" screams Alexa. Nick trips Mark and keep punching and punching and punching him, until his eye is swollen up and his lip and nose is bleeding. "Stop itttttt!" screams Alexa. "Hey, leave him alone man." Says Peter and push Nick away. Luke tries to stop Peter but then Connor hits Luke in his face. Nick punches Peter in the face, Ethan tries to stop Luke, Alexa and Sarah is screaming, Jason is crying, and Susan is calming him down. Suddenly there is a gunshot in the air. Everyone stops and looks at the soldier with a machine gun in his hand. "All of you stop this bullshit! RIGHT NOW! Luke and Nick get the fuck up! Help these people up, let they go in their houses and I will send a doctor to look at them." says Soldier Walter von Heston. "I am a doctor!" says Alexa. "Ok good, will you see what you can do?" asks Walter. "Of course! Come on" says Alexa, and all the Graham's the Smith's Susan and Peter went inside. "Now what the fuck is wrong with you? Didn't he tell you he lives here?" asks Walter. "He did but Andrew told us not to open the gate for anybody!" says Luke. "Yeah well Andrew is not the boss, Sargant Harrison ok." Says Walter. "I will get some soldiers to guard the gate so that Doctor Baker can look at you!" says Walter.


"Oww shit!" says Peter in pain. "Man stand still, then it won't hurt that much" says Alexa while she puts a plaster on Peter's wound. Connor, Ethan and Mark are already patched up, but Mark is lying in bed. "Mom? How is dad doing?" asks Jason. "Daddy is ok. Just let him rest for a while." Says Alexa. "Ok." Says Jason and signs. "Why don't you show these people around and ask if they want something to drink?" asks Alexa. "Ok. Come on let's go." Says Jason.


"Mom, his eye is swollen up." Says Sarah, when Alexa entered the room. "Yeah it will. Don't worry Sarah it's normal." Says Alexa. "Can you give us a moment?" asks Alexa. "Sure" says Sarah. Sarah picks up the cloth of Mark's head and went outside. "Hey babe. How are you feeling?" asks Alexa. "Ug! I feel like shit." Says Mark. "Those assholes!" says Alexa." I don't trust them." Says Mark. "Well after what happened, I don't think I do either. Trusting them around my kids. Fuck no." says Alexa. "Conner and Ethan also told me that they don't trust them, and this was before what happened." Says Mark. "Ok forget about that and get some rest." Says Alexa. "Hey I love you!" says Mark. "I love you too, babe." Says Alexa.




"You know I am going to tell Andrew that YOU let that people in today" says Luke, while he, Nick and Walter in in their military tent, all patched up. "What else should we have done? They did say they live her so?" says Walter. "So? What if they were infected?" asks Luke. "You did ask them if they were and you saw they weren't." says Walter. "What if they were and they were just hiding it form us?" asks Nick. "Then you guys should start to do a better job." Says Walter. Suddenly they hear a military truck stopping in front of the tent. It was Andrew and his little crew. "It must be Andrew!" says Luke. Suddenly Luke and Nick run out to Andrew. "What the fuck happened to your face?" asks Andrew in shock. "That's what we're to tell you." Says Luke.




"These people are really nice and care worthy to let us stay in their home." says Mary. "Yeah I will pray to tonight and just say thank you." Says Ethan. "Now we don't have to sleep in the cold fucking tent tonight." Says Ethan. "Yeah" says Connor. "Hey guys, so I just quickly want to give you some rules if you are going to stay with us. Peter already knows because he was here before." Says Alexa as she is approaching towards them. "Ok." Says Connor. "I t's not much actually, it's just no cursing in front of the children, and nothing out of ordinary in front of the kids, especially Nicole, my youngest." Says Alexa. "Ok that's easy!" says Ethan. "Yeah it's not much." Says Alexa. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Alexa opens the door and sees that it is Walter. "Oh hi." Says Alexa carefully. "Is everyone okay?" asks Walter. "Ug… Yes, thank you I patched them up, but my husband has some serious damage, but he will feel better tomorrow or so." Says Alexa. "That's good to hear, and sorry about what happened. Don't listen to them, they're assholes." Says Walter. "Ok I won't" says Alexa with a smile. "Hey Walter?" calls Andrew. "Yeah?" asks Walter. "Come on, we are going on a little trip, you and me." Says Andrew. "Ok I'm coming." Says Walter. "Stay safe." Says Walter and goes to Andrew. "You too," says Alexa and close the door.


So there Andrew and Walter were coming on a little trip.




"Where are we going?" asks Walter while Andrew drives the military truck. "You'll see." Says Andrew. "So ug…did Luke and Nick told you anything?" asks Walter. "What? About that assholes at the gate? The people who attacked soldiers?" asks Andrew. "Yeah that people." Says Walter. Suddenly Andrew stop the truck. "Come on where here." says Andrew and opens his door. "What building?" asks Walter. "The building at your side." Says Andrew. "Public Library? Why would we go here? Does someone need to…" says Walter when suddenly Andrew shots him in the leg. "Ahhh shittttttt!" says Walter. Andrew walked a little bit closer to Walter and kneeled. "Andrew…why?" asks Walter. "Because you didn't keep by my rules!" says Andrew. "But…you're not the boss…. Sargant…Harrison…is." says Walter. "My town, my fucking rules!" says Andrew and hits Walter with his gun. "Please stop…" says Walter in pain. Andrew ignores him and hits him again and again and again, until Walter started to choke on blood. "Fuck…you…enjoy…burning…in…hell…" says Walter. Andrew get furious and hits Walter again and again. Andrew have hit Walter so many times that he smashed his head in with his gun. Andrew takes a big breath. His face is full of blood, but he as an evil face on him. Suddenly he sees zombies coming out of the library. He gets up, gets in the truck, clean his face, and went back to Wilkinson Avenue.




The military truck arrives at Wilkinson Avenue, and Andrew gets out. "Where's Walter?" asks one of the soldiers. Andrew just shook his head, to tell he didn't make it. "Oh god," says the soldier and went into the tent. "Is he dead?" asks Luke. "Yeah, I took care of him, now I'm the boss, no one can tell you anymore to go against my rules." Says Andrew. "What…why did you kill him?" asks Nick. "Listen I did what needed to be done ok?" says Andrew. "Now get back to post and guard this motherfucking place." Says Andrew. Little did they know that Sarah was watching them through the window.


"I don't trust these people mom." Says Sarah as she walks towards Alexa in the kitchen. "Don't worry, me and you dad talked about it." Says Alexa. "Talked about what?" asks Sarah. "We're leaving. Tonight." Says Alexa. "What but how are we going to do that." Asks Sarah. "We do whatever we need to do, just to get out of this place." Says Connor coming out of the bathroom. "But where will we go?" asks Sarah. "Ethan, my brother. He owns a helicopter, not far from here." Says Connor. "We are going to get on the helicopter and fly to wherever we can." Continues Connor. "Mom, you know if the soldiers find out that we escape they will kill us." Says Sarah. "That's why I said we do what whatever we need to. I am good shot I can protect you, but your mom and your dad and Peter an everyone else except you children, should also learn how to shoot one day." Says Connor. "My dad has some experience of shooting. He always took shooting lessons after work, but he stopped two years ago." Says Sarah. "Yeah he still is a good shot, though" says Alexa. "See? Me and your Dad can protect you." Says Connor. "Does anybody else know?" asks Sarah. "Just me, Connor, you, Mary, Susan, dad and Peter, knows. I was about to go tell your brother and sister," says Alexa.  "Will Nicole understand? You know she still young?" asks Sarah. "She will, at least she trusts me." Says Alexa.




It was the night where Alexa and her crew were going to escape. Sarah, Jason, Nicole, Alexa, Mark, Susan, Peter, Connor, Mary and Ethan already packed their stuff and is just taking the last couple of things. Sarah is looking at her poster with her and Ashley and Gwenn, she folds it and puts it in her bag. Jason is staring at his football, wondering if he ever would play football again. He puts it in his bag and close his bag. Alexa is looking at her wedding photo. "This was one of the most amazing day of my life." Says Alexa. "You know this also one of my favourite days of my life!" says Mark and shows Alexa a photo of him and Sarah in his arms. "Sarah! The day our first baby was born." Says Alexa. "We should pack this; this is definitely memories." Says Alexa while she puts the wedding photo in her bag. "Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt" says Susan as she knocks on the door. "No Susan come in" says Mark. "Can we just go and pick up Garhed before we go to find the helicopter?" asks Susan. "Of course." Says Alexa. "Thanks" says Susan and went to the kitchen.


"Ok guys everyone got everything?" asks Mark. "Yeah" says Sarah. "Yes dad" says Jason. "Yes daddy" says Nicole. "I have" says Peter. "We do" says Connor. "Me too" says Susan. "Ok guys so here's the plan, Connor and I are going to distract that assholes at the gate, luckily it's two other soldiers. Then we are going to take them out, you guys come, we jump in and get the hell out." Says Mark. "Sounds like a plan:" says Alexa. "Oh wait!" says Susan as she goes to the kitchen and grabs the coffee. "We can't leave our favourite drink!" says Susan. "Coffee, well done!" says Alexa. "Ok let's do this" says Mark, when suddenly there's a knock on the door. "Hide your stuff now." Whispers Mark. "I'll get the door" says Alexa. Alexa went to open the door when sees that it's Nick. "Oh you." Says Alexa. "Listen I'm not here for trouble. I just wanted to…" says Nick when he saw some bags sticking out behind the couch. "Are you guys leaving" asks Nick. "Listen please just don't say anything." Whispers Alexa. "Hey!!! They're leaving!!" yells Nick at the soldiers. Suddenly Connor picks up his gun out of his pocket and shoots Nick in the head. Suddenly the soldiers begin to shoot at them. "Shit new plan, everyone just gets in the car and get the fuck out of here. Alexa you in front we will follow you." Says Mark.


So quickly, while the soldiers where shooting at them, the ducked and tries to get in the car without getting shot. Alexa, Sarah, Jason, Nicole and Susan are in the BMW, and Mark, Peter, Mary, Ethan and Connor are in the Ford Fiesta. While everyone was shooting Luke came closer to Alexa and the kids and tried to shoot them, when suddenly Mark's takes his gun and shoots him in the chest. "Come on guys. Hurry up!" says Alexa. Just when everyone was inside the car and Jason wanted to get in the car, Luke shot him in the hip. "Oww dammit!" screams Jason as he closes the car door. "Jason!" yells Sarah. "What happened?" asks Alexa. "Jason has been shot!" says Sarah. "Jason?" asks Nicole. "Come here baby." Says Susan and holds Nicole so that they don't see that Jason has been shot. Suddenly Alexa reverses her car, drives over Luke and Mark follows them. "You MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" says Andrew. "Come let's go!" says one of the soldiers. "Leave them. If they want to die. Let them die!" says Andrew, and luckily they left them alone.


"Come on stay with me Jason, stay with me." Says Sarah, while she tries to stop the bleeding. "Susan will you mind if you drive?" asks Alexa. "No not at all." Says Susan. Alexa quickly stops the car, Susan puts Nicole in the front seat, and Alexa climbs in the back to help Sarah. "Ok, first we have to stop the bleeding for now, because he is bleeding a lot!" says Alexa. Alexa rips a piece of her shirt and use it as a bandage. "Sarah you just keep your brother awake. I will try to operate him when we're some place safe." says Alexa. "Operate?" asks Sarah. "Yeah, I am going to have to take out the bullet, before it breaks into more pieces." Says Alexa. On their way to a place to find shelter, they see how the whole LA's lights goes off. How the whole LA turns pitch dark. "Well that's just great!" says Susan and turns on the bright lights of the car. "Let me call Mark." Says Alexa and opens her Phone Menu. "Shit! No signal!" says Alexa.


Later that night around 10pm they have finally stopped at a gas station. "Let's stop here for now." Says Alexa. The BMW stops and right next to them the Ford Fiesta. "Mark!" says Alexa as she climbs out of the car. Her shirt is full of blood as well as her hands. "Baby what the hell?" asks Mark. "It's Jason! He's been shot!" says Alexa and starts to cry. "What?" asks Mark, and runs to Sarah, that is carrying Jason. "Hey buddy, don't worry everything will be fine. Mom is going to patch you up, and you will feel better in no time." Says Mark. "I think you and me should see if this place is safe, because maybe we can stay the night." Says Connor while he gets out his gun. "Yeah I think that's a good idea." Says Mark and went into the gas station. "Mom, he is getting weaker." Says Sarah. "Jason?" asks Nicole. "No!!" says Nicole and starts to cry. Susan picks Nicole her and tries to calm her down.  "Don't worry Nicole your brother is going to be okay." Says Susan.


"Come on it's safe." Says Connor when he comes out of the gas station. "Ok bring him." Says Alexa and they went in with Jason in the gas station, as well as everyone else. Mary is preparing food for them to eat. Ethan and Connor are on watch, Mark and Nicole are playing and Susan and Sarah are helping Alexa. "Ok we are going to need something like tweezers or something so that I can get the bullets out of Jason." Says Alexa in tears. "I think I have one in my bag." Says Susan and search her bag. "Here will this work?" asks Susan. "That's perfect thank you." says Alexa and takes the tweezer. Just when Alexa wanted to pull out the bullet, she started to shake like crazy. "Hey, are you sure you can do this?" asks Susan while holds Alexa's hand. "I'm a fucking doctor! Of course, I can do it!" yells Alexa at Susan. "Quickly Alexa pulls out the first peace of the bullet. "Ahhhhhh!!!" screams Jason and starts to cry. "I know baby it hurt, but trust mommy it will be over soon." Says Alexa in tears trying to calm him down. Suddenly there goes a gunshot off. Everyone looks up, when they see that Connor just shot a zombie. Quickly Alexa continued.


After the third piece Jason holds Alexa's hand and says. "Mommy, I can't do this anymore, I can't feel anything anymore." Says Jason in sweat and tears. "No don't say that you will be fine." Says Alexa. "Mom you're a doctor you are supposed to know that I won't be fine." Says Jason. Sarah sees Jason's hip is turning purple. "Mom." Says Sarah while she shows Jason's hip. "Shit!" says Alexa. "What?" asks Susan. "He losing to much blood!" says Alexa. "Mom, you know what to do." Says Jason. "Jason…don't…say things like …. that." Says Alexa in tears. "Mom, please just get me out of this!" says Jason. "I…can't." says Alexa. Suddenly Sarah begins to cry as well as well as Susan. "No" says Alexa. "Alexa he's not going to make it" says Ethan. "I KNOW!!!" screams Alexa. "I…love…you…mom…. you…too…Sarah." says Jason and then he takes his last breath. Alexa is now pouring out tears as well as Sarah.


"Mark." Says Alexa as she drops the tweezer. "No!!" says Mark. Mark walks towards Alexa and gives her hug. Suddenly Mark starts to pour out tears as well. "I tried…babe I tried." Says Alexa. "I know you did." Says Mark. Suddenly Nicole starts to cry as well, and then Sarah came and calms her down. "I'm sorry Alexa." Says Susan and gives her hug. And so, everyone else came and apologize and confronts them.


It was about 12pm and no one was sleeping, accept Nicole. Jason was still lying on the floor, but he was at least covered with a blanket. "Alexa you have to do it now, otherwise…"  says Connor. Alexa is kneeling in front of Jason with a knife in her hand. Connor has told Alexa and everyone else that everyone is infected, and that you have to destroy the brain, otherwise you come back as a zombie. Destroying the brain is the only thing that kills the zombie.


Everyone else is upset and still crying like Mark, Sarah, Susan and Alexa. Just when Alexa wanted to kill Jason, she says "I can't do it." "You want me to do it?" asks Mark. "I don't know."  Says Alexa. While Alexa and Mark were complaining of who should kill him, Sarah suddenly stands up, grabs the knife out of Alexa's hand and stabs Jason in the head. Alexa and Mark are shock and sits there without any words. Suddenly Sarah gives a big snuck and some tears still shows and then she says, "I couldn't keep thinking about him as a grabber (zombie)." Says Sarah. "It's ok, it's ok." Says Alexa and gives Sarah a hug. "Well we should all try to get some rest; it's been a crazy day" says Mary. "What about Jason?" asks Mark. "We can bury him tomorrow," says Peter. So, everyone got in to bed on the ground and everyone went to sleep.




It was the next morning, and everyone was already up. Ethan, Peter, Mark and Connor were digging a grave, Susan and Mary were sitting with Alexa, and Sarah and Nicole were picking flowers. "I like this one!" says Nicole and shows Sarah the beautiful blue bonnets. "You know what flower this is?" asks Sarah as she picks the flower. "No." says Nicole while she shakes her head. "This is a Blue Bonnet, for me it's one of the most beautiful flowers ever." Says Sarah. "Do you think Jason would have liked it?" asks Nicole. "I think he would have loved it!" says Sarah and gives the blue bonnet for Nicole.


"Alexa are you sure you are doing ok?" asks Susan. "Yeah, better than last night." Says Alexa. "I never really got the chance to say that I'm sorry about Jason. He was an adorable and so loving little boy. I…will miss him" says Susan. "Thanks Suzie." Says Alexa and starts to cry again. Suddenly Alexa, Susan and Mary see Mark and Peter carrying Jason to the grave. Alexa, Susan and Mary stand up and goes to the grave. Sarah and Nicole also go to the grave.


"I never knew Jason so well, or got to know him, but all I can say is I could see that he was a very nice kid, and I would have loved to get to know him better." Says Connor. "Yeah, I don't really have anything else to other what Connor said, ugm… but I'm sure Jason was a good kid." Says Ethan. "Jason was the most loving handsome boy to babysit in holidays, and to see him grow up since the day he was born was just…wonderful. I'm really going to miss him." Says Susan and starts to cry. "Jason…" says Sarah and starts to cry. "I always loved you, even when we fought, I…never not loved you. You are my baby brother and I will love you forever and always." Says Sarah in tears. "I love you Jason." Says Nicole. "Buddy…" says Mark and starts to cry. "You were my only son, and there was so much more that I wanted to do with you. You didn't deserve this world. I love you son. Rest in peace." Says Mark while he continues to cry and went to hug Sarah. "Jason…my baby boy…" says Alexa and starts to pour out tears. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you enough. I am sorry you had to die this way, in this…painful way. I really would have liked to see you grow and became a young handsome man. I love you baby." Says Alexa and went to stand by her family.


'Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now I am found. Was blind but now I see' sings Mary while they close Jason's grave. Mary went on to sing "Amazing Grace" until the whole song was finished. When the grave was filled up, Sarah and Nicole places flowers on Jason's grave. Sarah puts some white roses on, and Nicole puts some blue bonnets on. After that Sarah and Nicole sits in front of his grave, while Sarah holds Nicole, and just stared at his grave.