Chapter 37

I check the monitor looking into the Obama room early in the morning. Danny is sound asleep on his cot and to me that is unacceptable. I hit the alarm button for the Obama room only, the interior speakers. Never have I seen a grown man, athlete or not, jump as high as Danny did.

The mike was open so I could whisper sweet nothings in his ear or bark orders, whatever I want to do. Danny can obviously tell that the mike is open, judging by his hand signals and confused look.

I was just fucking with him but all I said was "Flush time. Sorry big bro, we have Wilhelm on her way down right now. You're an unneeded liability to the K.U.N.T. team down here."

Didn't take my elder to understand that message as he frantically scanned the room for anything of merit to grasp on to or anything to keep the floor from opening up and swallowing him whole. There wasn't anything in that room to save anyone from the flusher; it was a hopeless but unavoidable human reaction.

"Just kidding! Your door will open in five seconds, I suggest you grab it and head towards my office." I announced with a laugh.

"That was pure fucked up Gregg but I like you style." Holly had been behind me since I rolled out of the bed, not to my knowing though.

I replied, "It was deserved wasn't it?"

Holly laughed and hugged me, her breasts were pressed against me just right, but this wasn't a time for a sex hug this was the time for a sensual, meaningful "I love you" hug. I knew the difference; girls need to know that guys know the difference.

"Can you release his door for me and then come into my office?" I asked of Holly.

She stood tall and saluted, "Sure thing Boss!"

I smiled but said, "Enough of that shit. You salute me; I'll get eaten alive in here." I gave her a big wink as I turned to enter my office.

My office was now the main planning area for this mission. There were building blue prints on the desk, maps of the area hung on the wall, everything we would need to plan and orchestrate a mission on paper. For now, we'll call it the command center for mission Wilhelm.

Holly was waiting in my doorway, hanging onto the top of the sill and leaning in casually. She was waiting for Danny to come out and start heading down here. Danny had already left his room and neither of us heard him open or close the door. He literally got directly behind Holly without me noticing and he grabbed her by the neck with his arm and the waist with his other arm, pulling her out of the office and down the hall to the Obama room he had been stationed in.

Right before they turned into the Obama room I shouted to Holly, "Don't kill him unless you HAVE to!"

I sounded the alarm for the entire facility, every entrance, exit, door, elevator, everything was locked down. Mills was sleeping at his desk when the snatch occurred.

Mills sat up from his desk, "Mills, Danny has Holly in the Obama room. I think she can handle it but I've locked us down just to be safe."

I thought I had done the correct thing by securing the facility but Mills informed me, "When you enter total lock down mode, that goes to the President and Wilhelm. They will both know what has happened here. There will be a call…"

Just as the word call rolled off of Mills' tongue the phone rang, the red phone. Mills motioned for me to pick up the phone but I had an idea. I grabbed the phone and put it up to my ear, I could hear the other person breathing but they said nothing. I moaned a couple times and tried to murmur the word help and then hung up the phone.

My goal was to give the impression to the listener that we were under attack and I was dying. The plan worked, the red phone rang again and I let it go until it stopped but then it rang again, this time I picked it up.

A female's voice came through the speaker, "Danny? Is it done?"

I simply replied, "Yes ma'am." I did my best Danny voice impression; I am his blood for God's sake.

"I'll be down tomorrow morning to verify. Good job Danny." replied the female.

I needed to know if this, in fact, was Wilhelm. I took a very risky leap of faith since it was on the red phone, "Susan, wait."

The female replied, "Jesus Christ Danny, I told you to keep me anonymous, you fucking idiot." The phone hung up right away and the room began to spin for me. Mills and I couldn't believe such a simple trick would play the hand of the Secretary of Defense to the President of the United States. Tomorrow morning, Susan Wilhelm will be attending her own death and funeral.

Now back to Holly and Danny. Both Mills and I are staring at the monitor back to the station so I could use the mike. I looked at Mills and he really didn't have a concerned look on his face anymore. My thought was that he knew Holly wasn't in any true danger because Danny was merely panicking at his current situation.

"What are our options Mills?" I said without taking my eyes off the screen.

Mills cleared his throat and said, "Wait it out, watch and see what Holly does. Or we could just gas the room, knock them both out and be done with it. It's up to you Boss."

Looking at the monitor, Danny never released the hold he had on Holly and he was shouting up to the camera. We could hear what he was saying because the mike was open on my end but neither of us really needed to hear what he was saying. Again, the control resides on my end.

Speaking into the mike I say, "Holly, are you gonna get out of there or do you need to be gassed? Thumbs up for gas, thumbs down for watch and learn."

Holly thumbs down instantly and with that motion Danny loses that last ounce of leverage he had with his choke hold. She flips him over her body with one small hip bump and Danny lands flat on his back in the middle of the room with a girl standing over him.

I tell Holly, "Take the other pinkie."

Holly didn't even flinch, as soon as I said that she had already pulled out her Kershaw tactical blade and dropped down to the floor, mounting Danny and pinning his arm out in front of her. I closed my end of the mike and Mills headed with me to the Obama room.

A quick swipe of the card and the door popped open just in time for the festivities to start. Before the blade pierced Danny's skin I stopped Holly and whispered in her ear. She looked back, sheathed her blade and leaned down to Danny's hand. His pinkie never stood a chance as she sat back up and spat it on the floor to her left.

What did I whisper to her you ask? I said, "Be more original." Danny's screams were fantastic. His lame half-assed attempt to save his ass and his lover Wilhelm was absolutely pathetic and it cost him yet another painful introduction to losing a pinkie. I would feel bad for him if he was such a douche.

Holly had blood slowly crawling down her chin and more blood mixed with spit in her mouth. She turned back and smiled at me, she looked so beautiful in a disgusting sort of way. Holly slowly spit the blood onto Danny's face as he whimpered and begged for his arm to be free. All we could do as a team was laugh, like a family sitting back watching a funny television show.

"Let's clean him up, again, prep him for our visitor tomorrow morning and make sure we get this bitch." The entire room knew it was time to get serious, accomplish our main goal here to save our asses and then we could control our own destiny.

Mills picked Danny up off the floor, the blood from his fresh wound was dripping a trail all the way back to medical.

Holly wiped her chin with her sleeve as I helped her to her feet, "How'd I do Boss? Pretty fucking awesome, right?"

To which I replied, "Very fucking awesome. You didn't panic, you didn't risk yourself, and you let the victim continue to think he was the assailant and then made your move. Excellent work. Go get cleaned up so I can fuck the shit out of you, maybe you can nibble on my pinkie."

She smiled, "Oh, you liked that part huh?"

As Holly left the room, I stood in the same exact spot I had been standing and I entered a very deep thought process. All the shit I had been through in my life, everyday being shit on by this supernatural being known to most as "God", I finally have a chance to make a difference, a chance to rid the world of the hidden evil entities that take human form. Susan Wilhelm will be the first truly evil person the K.U.N.T. division has taken down and this will continue to be our motive as long as I'm in charge.