Personal Maid

"I have some good news, Sister Ellis. This place will no longer be demolished, and you will become the new owner." Yuan relayed this news to her.

"What?! How is that possible? What did you do?" Ellis didn't dare to believe such good news.

"I just called a friend who could help us."

"B-But this place was already sold! How did they manage to convince the buyer?"

"Who knows." He shrugged.

"What about the previous owner? What happened to him?"

"He will be going to jail."

"W-What about the funds? Even if I own this place, if I don't have any money…"

"That's also been taken care of. I will be donating some of my money to this orphanage so you don't have to worry about money for a long time."

"Y-You? I don't want to put such a burden on you…"

"It's fine. I won the lottery recently, so I have plenty of money." Yuan chuckled.

"Seriously…?" Ellis stared at Yuan's calm expression with a shocked face.