Exchange For Mercy?

The two beasts were trembling with fear and couldn't come to a valid decision. They didn't know what they could give the beast in front of them so that they may have mercy on them and leave them alive.

"Tic-tok, the time is running out…" Lin Wu said and raised his tail up in the air, ready to attack them.

"I-I can give you the location of a spirit herb!" The Swan beast shouted.

"And what about you?" Lin Wu questioned.

"I… the tomb! I know the location of a tomb that exists on the border of the fifth and sixth ring!" The Sparrow beast suddenly spoke.

Lin Wu hadn't expected such an answer from the sparrow beast. He would have never guessed that an answer like that of the swan beast was possible, as that was one of the few things that a beast could offer to him. Beasts did not keep material assets like money and at most had some resources hidden away.