Shadow Dread Beasts?

The seven cultivators arrived in the second trial and were greeted by a similar world that they had seen before. Except, this world's flora and fauna had been strangely corrupted by the shadows.

Lin Wu saw it too and realized that this world was one of the worlds that were taken over by the shadow calamity after they obtained the two consciousnesses, Bai and Hei. That was the reason why the shadows were not as corrosive as before and had not fully covered the ground.

"What is this place now?" The grey robed cultivator questioned.

"The aura is the same as before, but… it's not as violent." The senior brother spoke.

They felt anxious as they knew that if this was the second level it was bound to be more difficult than the first one. If the aura was not violent, that meant something else was gonna be.
