Assimilating The Hard Eared Limber Mice King Bloodline?

Lin Wu was now wondering what it could have been that pushed the Silver Beak Sky Soar eagle to kill all its subordinates and the other beasts in the millennium forest. There were a few reasons he could think of but they didn't make complete sense.

At first, he thought the Silver Beak Sky Soar eagle wanted to eat the beasts for the same reason as his which was to gain more spirit Qi. This was likely to have been an idea that came to her due to the appearance of the Olive Viper King who had rapidly increased in strength by eating beasts.

But then this was counterproductive, if what the beetle beast had said was true, the beast rulers could not just keep on eating the beasts of the forest without any restraint. If they did so, they would have been cursed in some way and die.