Mutating The Insect Beasts?

The insect beasts were a bit overwhelmed by this, as they didn't know what had just happened. One moment they were outside the tomb in the forest and then in the next, they were in a wide and tall hall.

The tiles on the floor were a pale gray and its walls were of the same color. Overall, it looked extremely unnatural to these beasts who had lived in the millennium forest all their lives.

"What is this place?" The scorpion beast questioned while looking around.

It was tapping its legs in anxiety, and its beady eyes showed a hint of fear as well.

"Ah… seem's like you guys are finally done choosing." A voice suddenly stalemated them.

The voice came from the back and was powerful despite not being loud. The insect beasts turned around and saw the coiled emerald green body of Lin Wu lounging on the ground.