Leaving The Capital?

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. The banquet was done with great pomp and glamor, making the entire capital city light up with joy. 

Shirong was the guest of honor and thus celebrated for his merits. Lin Wu though took this opportunity to steal a ton of food. His task was made even easier because the king actually ended up giving some food to the commoners, too.

He had been forced as the rumors about the king gifting food to the commoners had spread so much that if he denied it right now, the public outcry would be bad. While he would be able to suppress this rather easily, doing so would be bad for him in the long term.

Lin Wu took advantage of this very fact and took a lot of food, while the people in the royal court simply thought that it was the commoners taking advantage of freebies. Still, there wasn't much they could do and thus let it happen.