
Lin Wu had erased the brands on the spirit weapons by saturating the area with radiation, which pushed all the spirit Qi out of that zone. This caused their spirit sense to stop working and thus erasing their brands on the spirit weapons.

It was actually a rather crude way of doing it. But in the current condition where he was having a hard time controlling himself, this seemed like the easiest way. 

Did it use up extra spirit Qi? Yes.

Did it matter to Lin Wu? No.

He would just be extorting the spirit Qi he used up from the corpses of these men. No way in hell would he let them go after this. He could feel that his temper was raging and he was in a destructive mood.


Shirong spun around with a whip kick, sending out arcs of lightning that sang like sparrows. The lightning cut through the men cleanly, searing their flesh. The smell of barbecued meat spread in the area, making Lin Wu feel hungry.