Mind Expanding Lardite?

Old Man Tiandi did not expect Jiao Fan to have something like this with me and it was rather unexpected to him. Even Lin Wu was stringed by this and took a look at the pale yellow stone that was in Jiao Fan's hand.

Of course, looking was not really an accurate word for this as Lin Wu was on top of the platform and could not directly see with his two eyes. Rather, he was using his spirit sense to observe it.

He tried probing with his spirit sense and found it to be impermeable to his spirit sense. This surprised him even more, as he knew that the material that could block one's spirit sense was usually quite valuable.

So far there were very few things that Lin Wu had encountered that were like this. For example, the door of the inner hall of the temple, the tomb of the Taiji Celestial and the interference field of the Dread Coil Marsh itself.

"System scan this thing and check the data banks." Lin Wu ordered.

