Blowing Their Minds?

Jiao Fan who had been made to snap out of his thoughts, looked at the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle who was now letting out strong spirit Qi waves. Her aura started to rise by the second and a red glow appeared around her body.


A sharp cry was let out by her that was a bit different from her original cry. This one seemed to be a bit more melodic, yet there was a hidden power contained within it. But this was merely the start.

Jiao Fan's eyes went wide as he saw new feathers growing on the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle's body. The vermilion feathers that she had on her body started to increase in number and soon over half of her body was covered in them.

Now her body was half yellow and half Vermillion. Her silver beak had also taken on a slightly copper colored sheen on the tip while her eyes glimmered in a red hue. Her claws did the same and they also started to change in shape.