Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle's Cultivation Stabilizes?

Seeing that the source crystal was now set up and working as it should be, Lin Wu felt a bit better. He knew that he would not get to reap the benefits of the source crystal soon, but he was pleased to see that it would be helpful in the long term.


"I'll come for you all later, but for now I got a different situation at hand…" Lin Wu said before transferring his consciousness to the Avatar. 

His vision went dark for a second before returning. But now the scene in front of him had changed completely. Unlike the white hall filled with tens of screens, Lin Wu was now in a dimly lit hall, with the only light source coming from the inner hall.

He looked around and saw that Jiao Fan and Old Man Tiandi were still there in their positions and had not moved. They were observing the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle, who was now close to finishing her transformation.