Dao Treading Realm Bird Beast?

The second cry came from the body of Shirong, but not actually from his mouth itself.

Lin Wu could even see an illusory skull figure forming above his body that looked similar to the actual head of the skull god. It looked in the direction of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle and had visible anger as could be seen from the two black fumes coming from its eyes.

"HOW DO YOU STILL EXIST!?" The Skull god's avatar shouted.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle to which this question was addressed to, didn't answer it, however. Rather than that, she let out another cry and flapped her Vermillion wings, spreading Vermillion flames from it.

Lin Wu was awed by her appearance now. She was another size bigger than she was before, reaching a height of almost sixty meters. Her wingspan though was over a hundred meters wide, making it even larger than Lin Wu's real body.