Recruiting Monkey Beasts

About five minutes later, a troop of monkeys was standing in front of the cave. They had been called here upon the orders of the Slim Arm Ape King and were now waiting for him to speak.

Some of them hung on the trees, some laid on the ground, some scratched their heads while some scratched their butts. Overall, they did all that was expected of monkeys. 

"Today, I have called you for an opportunity. The Crimson Eyed Emerald worm would like to recruit a few of you all to work for him." The Slim Arm Ape king announced.


Chattering among the monkey beasts could be heard as they were surprised. This was something that had never happened before, and they were wondering what they would be doing.

"What is it that he wants from us?" one of the smarter monkey beasts questioned.

"Why don't you tell them?" The Slim Arm ape king asked, Lin Wu.

"Alright." Lin Wu said before coming to the front.