A Difficult Unboxing

One more push was all that Wang Xiong needed, and it was that very push that was proving to be difficult. In his attempt to fill the 'container' with 'water' he had forgotten just how much he had left himself and how much he could control. 

He didn't even realize that he was sweating rather heavily and thick beads of sweat would drip down his forehead every so often. It had also resulted in his meridians being strained far more than usual. 

'No, I cannot fail at this moment.' Wang Xiong thought. 

If he failed at this moment, he would not only be wasting all of his time and effort, but the box would also be destroyed along with its contents. Which was not something that he wanted to happen. 

Just as he was about to force himself more, he felt a pair of hands at his back. The hands were gentle and soft and gave him a warm feeling. 

"Just focus on the box, I'll give you the spirit Qi needed!" Ye Jin urged.