A Guardian

The man named Guardian Yun looked at Wang Xiong without speaking anything. He had a mask on his face, thus there was no chance of seeing his appearance anyway. Wang Xiong simply hoped that his words had managed to incite the man.

"Hmm… I guess we'll see Chief disciple Wang Xiong. While I am the guardian, I have no responsibility to ensure all your works go well. At most I'll ensure that they are protected against greater threats." Guardian Yun stated perfunctorily.

"That will be enough. Just having the assurance that some hidden power won't act is good for me." Wang Xiong stated.

The fox masked man nodded his head and disappeared into a mass of fog. Once he was gone, Wang Xiong furrowed his brows and spread his spirit sense around. Only after he was sure that there was no longer anyone in the area did he take a breath of relief.