10 Years

Time passed, summer went and winter came. Each day was like a smoky wisp, disappearing before it could even stay for long.

Within the Tomb of the Taiji Celestial, a large hall existed. The hall was currently dark and nothing could be seen inside it. 


Suddenly, the sound of something trembling could be heard. The sound was low but deep. 


In the next moment, a green glow appeared in the hall. If one looked at it right now, one would see that the glow was coming from a mass of green crystals. There were a few specks of black dispersed in it, but it still looked rather mesmerizing.


A cracking sound was heard as a crack spread across the large green crystal. Though strangely enough, the crack spread in a very unique pattern in a spiral manner. It was then that a pair of red lights opened up at the top of the crystal mass.

"HAAA!" A sound came from the mass of green crystals.